Numidia, your expert partner in dairy
Quality and efficiency
Quality and Efficiency are the main drivers in our processes, systems and operational delivery. We prefer to do things first-time-right. We have a state-of-the-art automated system and we accept and embrace that there are always more efficient ways of working. Our failsafe motto: “what can’t go wrong, won’t go wrong”.
Numidia is certified for several food and feed safety quality management systems. What this means for you and all our partners, is that by doing business with us, you are assured that quality of processes and food- and feed- safety are guaranteed. We take care of this. And you have peace of mind.

As global supply chains expand, raw materials and products are increasingly sourced through new methods and from diverse origins. To safeguard product safety and quality, the IFS Broker standard has been implemented, bridging the gap between production and distribution. This standard ensures that the necessary measures are in place, guaranteeing that our suppliers meet the required product safety and quality standards.
The BRCGS Agents & Broker standard is implemented because we as a trading company:
· play an essential role in the movement of products;
· provide a critical link in the chain of custody;
· influence the product safety and quality standards of our suppliers;
· are responsible for maintaining an effective chain of traceability.
We are also AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) approved. Because of that, we can offer our customers an advantage with customs controls and we need in general less information for the customs declarations. So we can work more (cost) efficient.
ORGANICS (SKAL certified)
Any food product sold as ‘organic’ falls under the EU regulations 834/2007 and 889/2008. This means that the product must have been produced to these regulations and inspected and certified by a registered certification body, such as Skal.
Skal can only grand a certificate if the product and the production chain involved is monitored. A product can only be organic if it is certified. Certification is only granted if the product and the whole chain involved is monitored. Skal certifies all organic production in the Netherlands including: farming, food, trade, processing, packaging, import. All these activities must be certified.
Numidia is certified for the delivery of organic dairy products
GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance
Numidia is a GMP+ certified company. GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance is a complete module for the assurance of feed safety in all the links of the feed chain. Demonstrable assurance of feed safety is a ‘license to sell’ in many countries and markets and participation in the GMP+ FSA module can facilitate this excellently. Based on needs in practice, multiple components have been integrated into the GMP+ FSA module, such as requirements for the quality management system, HACCP, product standards, traceability, monitoring, prerequisites programmes, chain approach and the Early Warning System.
GMP+ certificate- exp 22.09.2026
SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange)
Numidia B.V. is a member of Sedex and committed to sourcing responsibly. Sedex is a global membership organisation dedicated to driving improvements in responsible business practices in global supply chains.
Sedex is one of the world’s leading organisations for helping companies manage responsible sourcing, and operates a collaborative online platform that enables members to collect and share ethical data and identify risks in their supply chain. Sedex’s collaborative approach enables buyers and suppliers to work together to better manage their social environmental performance, and protect people working in their supply chain.
Sedex tools and services are used by more than 50,000 members in over 150 countries. Sedex works across 35 industry sectors, including food, agriculture, clothing, packaging and chemicals. Sedex also owns SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit), one of the most widely used social audit methodologies in the world.
The company reference number of Numidia B.V. is ZC403665132
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