Our charity
The Foundation aims to improve the living standards, development and education of our future generation.
Numidia Charity Foundation
Mindful of Numidia’s vision to take care of the environment and the believe that everyone worldwide should be able to enjoy the benefits of quality dairy products, Numidia Holding BV founded the Numidia Charity Foundation at the end of 2015. A foundation with the main aim of supporting underprivileged children and to help children in need all over the world.
Since then, the foundation has participated in multiple projects and led its own initiatives from start to end. Below some project examples.

Hopeland School (2024 - 2025)
The school will be named Hopeland School as it shall be a place where children with no hope will be filled with hope. They will have free #education to better their future and stand on their own – Kennedy Otieno.
Mr. Kennedy Audi Otieno, aka Pastor Ken, is known to be altruistic and cares for families and the needy in Nakuru, Kenya. He started several projects, such as arrange freshwater trucks, food distribution and tuition classes.
Now with the funding of the Numidia Charity Foundation, Hopeland School has been brought to life and a permanent structure has been secured and all its necessities to provide education. The premise can house 3 classes.
In the school’s sustainable garden, the students can plant and farm edibles.
The aim is to empower the children by providing education, food, clothes and future perspectives.
The Numidia #Charity Foundation, has agreed to support Hopeland School in 2024 and 2025 in the hope that the families and children will have brighter futures!
Cristo Rey San Diego (2023)
The Numidia Charity Foundation made it possible for Cristo Rey San Diego to provide scholarships in 2023 to deserving students who might not have had the opportunity otherwise.
Together with the Numidia Foundation, a path is being forged toward a brighter future for these students, one where they can achieve their dreams and break free from the cycle of poverty.
Opening its doors in 2020 as the thirty-seventh school in the national Cristo Rey Network, Cristo Rey San Diego is an innovative school specifically designed to meet the unique needs of first-generation college-going students, who are disproportionately students of color. Today the school serves 179 students across all four grades, including more than 40 students from Tijuana who cross the border each day to attend school.
The school follows the Corporate Work Study Program (CWSP), in which students underwrite a portion of the cost of their education by working five days per month for a corporation or nonprofit. What began as an experimental project in Chicago, has become one of the most successful models of educational innovation in the country.
A college degree remains a young person’s best hope for a financially rewarding life—but it is too often out of reach for students from families with limited incomes.
We thank Cristo Rey Network and Cristo Rey San Diego for their achievements and incredible level of commitment to the students and their families.
Links: Website | Social Media
8 April 2024

The Canguro Foundation (2023-2024)
The Canguro Foundation is a non-profit organization, founded in 2016 in Montevideo, Uruguay, and aimed to improve the first days of life of vulnerable newborns by providing ‘emotional nourishment’.
For most of us, it is a given that a newborn is pampered with support, love, care, nursery rhymes and hugs. Sadly, there are families that, due to economic vulnerabilities, are unable to provide this to their newborns. Sometimes temporarily, sometimes permanently.
More than 400 volunteers of the Foundation are there for these newborns, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so that the newborns leave the hospital well-nourished and healthy, in mind and body.
The foundation has seen that babies who receive love and are made feel welcome in the world, are able to handle stress better, have better social skills, are more fearless, are more sociable and therefore have better chances of a successful future. ❤️
As the waiting list continues to grow, the Foundation rolled out a boost in capacity and started a project to expand from 9 to 16 cribs.
The Numidia Charity Foundation supported a whole new unit, where the newborns receive everything a newborn deserves!
It’s all about a better future for these little ones; a better future for them means a better world altogether!
Links Fundación Canguro: Website | Social Media
7 February 2024
The Kayenje Primary School (2023)
The Kayenje Primary School in Uganda, located 76 km from Kampala city, offers free universal primary education.
With a big heart, they educate 759 children aged between 4-14 years, supported by the strength and wisdom of 17 teachers.
The classrooms were in need of an upgrade, they were dilapidated, partially collapsing and not operable during the rainy season.
With the help of the Numidia Charity Foundation, the school rebuilt 5 classrooms and aims to improve the learning and teaching in the school.
The Numidia Charity Foundation believes that children are our #future, that #education is the key to #independence and that everyone should have access to education.

Mundo de Talentos (2022-2024)
“Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.” – Keri Russell
The Numidia Charity Foundation extended the collaboration with Mundo de Talentos, a non-profit organization that introduces children, aged between 10-13, of public schools in the South of Mexico to their potential future.
The 2-year Saturday program include excursions and meeting passionate professionals (volunteers) of various disciplines. They meet architects, journalists, doctors, artists, technicians, biologists, scientists and craftsmen. Through these encounters the children broaden their perspectives, discover their talents, increase their self-esteem and strengthen their connection with society. In a playful and tangible way, the students are being prepared for the most important step after their school career: making motivated and independent choices for their future.
The project is so successful that they are inspiring more than 300 students and expanding in Mexico and possibly other locations in South or Central America.
We are impressed with the work that Mundo de Talentos does and happy to play a part in the future of these students.
11 May 2023
Care2Communities (2022)
Meet Care2Communities.
C2C was founded in 2009 on a simple and powerful truth: that access to healthcare is the foundation to lift destitute people out of poverty. Founded in 2009, C2C’s early years were dedicated to solving the infrastructure and resource challenges of healthcare delivery in Haiti. Throughout the years they built a network of community clinics throughout Haiti.
This year, Numidia supported their maternal health program.
Did you know that Haiti’s maternal and infant mortality rate is far higher than the regional average? (In 2022 : 49.2 deaths per 1000 live births) This high rate is being caused by limited capacity, insufficient health resources, a tendency to rely on traditional medicine and the cost of healthcare services.
By supporting organizations such as C2C, the infant mortality rate in Haiti is estimated to be falling by about 3 percent annually.
We thank Care2Communities for partnering with us to create a better tomorrow.

House of BOEN BIO (2022)
In Indonesia we supported the development of a project to restore a temple to its former glory. One of the tasks that is performed there is to teach the lessons of Confucius to build an ecosystem for sustainable growth or cross-cultural harmony. This includes education, social activities, sports, culture and art. Numidia Charity Foundation financed their new sound system.
Fundación Florecer (2022)
The Fundación Florecer has the purpose to promote educational freedom by supporting investments and modern forms of administration on public and private schools especially in deprived areas. They focus on incorporating the latest teaching techniques to promote social and cultural development, youth entrepreneurship and local employment. The Numidia Charity Foundation supports the Fundación Florecer with equipment for a virtual classroom so that they can offer virtual classes for those lessons that do not have an assigned teacher

Dormatory Adesso Primary School / Kumi hospital (2021 – 2022)
The Adesso Primary School is a school with 1.000 students, divided over 7 groups. There are 13 teachers and 7 class rooms.The children in the highest group (group 7) get extra support from the teachers to prepare them on their final exams. This result predominantly determines their access to the next study. This preparation is done via extra lessons. With this, the days at school are longer for these students. Especially children with longer travel times can get stuck in this situation. That’s why the school has the facility (dormitory) to stay at the school in the night. At the moment 56 students use this facility.
With the money of the Numidia Charity Foundation the renovation of the current dormitory (see photos) and new beds and mattresses can be financed.
Comedor and Centro Cultural Dorita (2021-2022)
The funds of the Numidia Chartiy Foundation will make it possible to continue the work in the community during this special and complicated year. Comedor and Centro Cultural Dorita prepares food for more than 100 families from Monday to Friday. The donations will be used for the purchase of food and to improve the place where they prepare meals and where they will go on with activities for children when authorized again.

Foundation Ile de Mar 2021-2022
Foundation Ile de Mar is a governmentally recognised nonprofit organisation which through its financial support of secondary education on the island Ile de Mar in Senegal, strives to invest in the futures of Senegalese children. In its almost 14 years of existence, the Foundation has established the first secondary school (Collège d’Enseignement Moyen) and Lyceum on the island, and allowed about 1500 children to complete a secondary education.
The Numidia Foundation is funding scholarships for eleven students to be able to continue and complete their remaining three years of secondary education at the Lyceum Ile de Mar. And the foundation provides financing for the tutoring program for 120 students.
Mundo de Talentos A.C 2020 - 2021
Every day, 1,800 students drop out of Mexican high schools, most of them in the first year. Out of every 10 students entering a university, only two finish with a degree. Moreover, around 7 million youngsters in Mexico are unemployed and receive no education at all.
An important reason for these staggering statistics, is that youth in many regions has not received appropriate vocational training. Adequate vocational training helps to decrease drop-out rates.
Mundo de Talentos (www.mundodetalentos.mx) contributes to the personal and professional development of Mexican youth. We take into account the strengthening of their self-esteem, and the improvement of their sense of belonging in society by providing vocational guidance for children between 10 and 13 years, through a three-year program on Saturdays. Passionate professionals share work experiences with children and invite them to engage in group exercises and excursions. The program covers 15 modules including architecture, entrepreneurism, biology, arts, medicine and law, among many others, which are held in the Pequeño Sol elementary school. The program focuses both on academic and artistic subjects, and on enhancing socioemotional skills of youth, to prepare them to become responsible and strong actors of society.
The main focus of the project caters to children from low-income families that attend public school, who otherwise, would not have access to vocational training.

Milk project 2020 - 2021
Raphael – A Ryder-Cheshire International Centre – is a hospital complex and outreach program assisting children and adults with Leprosy, intellectual disability and Tuberculosis. Raphael provides milk daily to its residents and patients most of whom are children with intellectual disabilities – many of them abandoned by their families. Most residents are vegetarian so milk is an essential part of a balanced diet to improve their nutrition and health. They get between 250-500 pls Milk per day each.
The Numidia Charity Foundation sponsors this milk project.
Twatascha Project 2019 - 2020
To a private initiative in the field of sustainable development aid, the Numidia Foundation has given substance to the execution of a wish list for the design and purchase of attributes of a Community Hall of a school building in Kasondi (15 km outside Lusaka).

Boxing Club Blagoevgrad 2019 - 2020 - 2022
In the home city of one of our employees there is a Boxing Sport Club, where only parentless children or ones who lives in very problematic families get training. The trainer is a Christian priest, who dedicates his time to give them adoptive care, train them to bring some confidence, self-esteem and value in their lives. The sport brings a discipline, faith and structure in the lives of those children.
The Foundation supports this initiative by purchasing complete equipment for the members of the club and enabling competition participation.
Enseña 2019 - 2020
The Numidia Charity Foundation participates in the “Teach for all” program. Participation consists of funding a teacher for the project. During a recent working visit to Montevideo, members of the Management Team accompanied by colleagues of the Montevideo office visited the school. It was very impressive to see how they help disadvantaged children with extra education.

CeDIPF 2019 - 2020
CeDIPF: “Centro de Desarrollo Infantil y Promoción Familiar” is a non-profit organization, run by young professionals, university students and residents of the “República de la Sexta” neighborhood of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, were an irregular settlement of more than 400 families in poverty is located.
Improvement of the accommodation of the kindergarten and the school for children with learning problems, located in the center, will be funded by the Foundation.
Stichting City Run 2019 - 2020
In 2019 the Numidia Charity Foundation supports the Rabo City Run Roermond as a Run sponsor of the Kids- and Bambino Run. Part of the sponsorship includes the free participation of less wealthy children. For this an agreement was signed with the “Stichting Roermond City Run”.

School project 2018 - 2020
This project of a very involved couple (familiar with one of our employees) has the objective to motivate parents and children for education and to create eagerness to learn new things. For example, there are now 50 children in various villages who receive education in small classrooms.
Numidia Charity Foundation supported this Children Sponsorship in the past and will do the same in the present.
Stichting Kinderfonds midden limburg 2018 - 2019
At occasion of the opening of the new office building of Numidia in 2018, a check was handed over to the children’s fund of € 7.500,-. The participation was used for day tickets, including snacks and drinks, so that 1200 children could enjoy in playground “Kitskesberg” in Roermond.
Support will also be continued in 2019.

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